How Do You Really Feel?! - 3 Essential Steps to Emotional Mastery
Everything you've ever been taught about: healing your past traumas, being an empath, managing your feelings, dealing with fears, and tackling emotional triggers will be amazingly simplified and addressed from a whole new level of understanding in this book.
The 3 Essential Steps to Emotional Mastery is for you if any one of these applies:
- You're ready to complete the never-ending cycle of healing you've place yourself in.
- You'd like to become balanced with all of your emotions.
- You're fed up with being triggered by other people and events in your life.
- You've tried countless healing modalities and therapies only to discover nothing has changed for you.
- And you’re ready to accelerate your experience beyond all belief structures and into the realm of the spiritual.
Emotional Mastery is the key for humans to rapidly moving through the learning of the first 3 chakras and into the quantified realms of Heart Consciousness.
Join me as I guide you through 3 easy-to-learn steps, that have been discovered over 20 years, and are held preciously by the spiritual masters of Earth, who first hand use these steps to increase the spiritual energy in their bodies.
Emotional Mastery and becoming emotionally intelligent is the new frontier for experiencing quick, quantum internal changes, and is vital for the human experience if one desires to expand beyond their current circumstances.
Are you ready to come and explore with me?!
The Ebook includes an Audiobook Download!